Take Adorable Child Photos for Your Online Business
Working with your child and creating cute child images in your online business such as a mom blogging business can be one of the most satisfying activities.
Children are not only adorable in their looks and ways, but can also be the sweetest company.
However, many parents tend to panic or fear the idea of involving their children in their blogging business. While online activity can bear some risks to a child, as long as you are careful it can also offer an excellent opportunity for you to tell and share your story.
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If you read my previous post on Simple Ways Your Kids Can Help You Make Money Online then you will know that creating unique family photo ideas and very cute baby images can end up being bestsellers on some of the best stock image sites and for commercial use sites such as deposit photos, iStock, Shutterstock photos.
This is a great avenue for earning a passive income because once you’ve created these professional stock photo images that’s it, it gets used over and over again earning you money even while you sleep.
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These are just a few examples, they are also great if you want to earn from your photography skills as a side hustle by finding some of the best paying photo sites.
You can also gain great exposure on some of the free stock image sites like Pixabay, Pexels or UnSplash and you just might attract the attention of retail outlets and other parenting sites with your little child model.
You can also use Canva and PicMonkey to style your beautiful child images on Pinterest or for your social media posts to promote your parenting blog and products by adding bold and catchy texts in attractive fonts to bring traffic back to your website.

How You Can Create Special Niche Photography
If taking photos of your children is your passion why not turn it into a lucrative business? If you love taking photos of children why not learn how to do it professionally and niche down.
You could easily provide beautiful stock photo packages for other mom bloggers and other businesses. Here are a few examples of how you can create a special niche for your cute child photos.
• Nuclear Family themes
• Single Parent Family themes
• Grandparents and grandchildren
• Child in an outdoor setting
• Child in an indoor setting
• Child with animals
• Children and travel
• Twins
• Newborns
• Toddlers and crafts
• Babies and food

All these types of photos can be niched down to even more specialized categories and packaged up and resold to businesses focusing on those particular themes and topics. Want more information on this check out the Clickin Moms Blog or She Knows which lists some of the best mom photography blogs out there. Or you could try out one of the many child photography books.
If you want even more fun inspiration take a look at these fabulous Dad photos. They are absolutely adorable!
Making Money from Your Cute Child Images
As expressed before you can earn an income by selling your baby’s photos on stock image sites but there are many other ways. If you’re an expert at knitting or crocheting of baby clothes then using your child as your model to sell your items on Etsy can be done.
That cute baby blanket, that baby pink booty, by taking a few professional-looking snaps using great lighting of them wearing your product you can make regular sales on these craft selling platforms.
You might even consider selling on your own Shopify or Woocommerce store. So if you design great T-shirt slogans then that’s something that you could also make them model and you can promote them on Pinterest and other platforms.
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Why not sign up for this ultimate super PHOTOGRAPHY BUNDLE. Master the art of photography with these 19 ebooks, 15 self-paced ecourses and 6 awesome photography tools, plus a quick Get Started Guide to easily walk you through the basics of mastering your camera, taking great photos, editing and finding out the secrets of photography excellence. [/su_note]
Factors to Consider When Taking Cute Child Images
Some of the factors to consider when working with your child in your stock photography and blogging business are their ages.
If you plan on taking newborn baby photos of your prince or princess then make sure to do all the necessary things first like feed, change, cuddle then you can put them in those wonderful poses and cute outfits with just a few props that will result in a sweet baby image.

You can even use themes for your photo ideas such as Seasons, special occasions and so on.
If you plan on taking small children photos such as your toddler or pre-toddler then you will have to develop a little bit of patience and take candid photos instead which are so much better and relaxed, natural looking.
This is where you might even end up hopefully getting a lot of funny baby images, you know the ones that you see on memes. By the way, did you know you can sell your funny baby images on meme sites?
When it comes to taking photos of older children you definitely have to consider their personal opinions and the permission that you require to use their images in public. Be mindful of their feelings and their privacy.

How to Manage Children During a Photoshoot
The success of any online business whether blogging or e-commerce lies in the quality of its content and quality and nature of its photos.
When working on your online business with children, it can be difficult to get the perfect photo for your latest blog post. For this reason, it is important to manage the child properly during a photoshoot and make it lots of fun for the child.
The child should be allowed to move in between photo guides and poses. The photographer, preferably you should also arrange and guide the child quickly for shots, allowing for small breaks.
Since children are easily bored, allow the child to run around and explore for a few minutes and take some candid shots before starting with new child photography poses. This way the photo session becomes more playful, fun, and successful.
You will also get the perfect shots for your blog, stock photo image packs and Pinterest images.
Be Mindful of the Information You Share
Involving your child in your blogging business with photography can increase traffic to your website especially when used on Pinterest as the photos are unique to you and help you in creating better content for your audience.
However, you should be careful not to reveal too much information about your child online.
The photos taken for your blog should appear professional leaving out as much personal information about your child as possible. It is critical to prevent strangers having an “in” with your child by posting photos and information that could potentially put the child at risk.
You should be mindful of the facts about your child that you share on your blogging business, and feelings of the child portrayed in the photos.
For instance, an appearance of vulnerability such as loneliness or sadness can invite unwanted contact from strangers and unwanted comments from internet trolls as they may not understand the context of how the photo was taken.

Privacy Issues When Using Your Childs Image
One of the major concerns in the modern digital era is privacy issues. There is a thin line between what ought to be put out in the public and what should be kept private.
When involving your child in your blogging business, you want to post only those photos that will not affect the well-being of the child.
You may decide not to use the child’s name, as it may affect their everyday life. It is also important to be mindful of meta-data, which may include location details and other personal identifying information that might put your child at risk. Please, be careful.
Avoid Sharing Too Much
There are probably times when you’re excited to share great and fun news on your blog and social media accounts such as Instagram but you have to remember that involving your child in your photo and mom blogging business is more than the traditional way of pulling out your wallet photos for the world to see.
You are putting photos of your child in a public space that is accessible to all sorts of people.
As a parent and a blogger, you will probably want to share your experiences and providing information that can help other parents. If done right, this can help you create an additional support system and a network of people with similar interests.
However, the kind of information and photos of your child shared on your blog should be safe and appealing because it will be viewed by different kinds of people including your child when he or she gets older.
Learn everything you need to know about taking great photos with this Super Photography Bundle
When you decide to involve your cute child photos in your blogging business, make sure you know where to draw the line on the photos they share.
Many bloggers post photos of their children’s recent achievements, occasionally encroaching upon their safety and privacy. It is critical that you try to limit the stories about your children on your blog and instead make it anecdotal focusing more on the natural beauty of life.
As a parent, you are the custodian of your child’s personal privacy until they reach an age considered old enough to take over.
Being interested in sharing the personal details of your life online does not mean that your child’s life should be included too. Therefore, be safe about the kind of photos you share, their impact on the child’s life, and whether they expose your child’s vulnerability or instead expose their wonderful innocent beauty.
I hope that these few points will help you create fabulous moments of photography of your family life and now that you know the picture-taking boundaries have fun making great memories on your blog and social media of your children so that they can be impressed with their very cute baby images when they get older.
Want to develop the right photographic skills? Why not share or pin one of these photos for later to keep this post as a bookmark!
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